Hello Worlds
Creating procedural cities, planets, and worlds - mostly using web technologies.
Linguist-turned-programmer interested in answering the question "what gives a virtual somewhere a sense of place"?
Current Projects
Habitat (9 stars)
A vignette of an O'Neill orbital habitat using @hello-worlds/react and a playground for various graphics programming and land generation techniques
Hello Worlds (132 stars)
Virtual javascript worlds at planetary scales for your threejs or react-three-fiber scene 👋🌐
Terrain Synth (66 stars)
Example-based Terrain Generation powered by real-earth datasets and machine-learning
World Synth (6 stars)
Planetary creation foundation for experimenting with various tectonic, climate, and other models over a space-to-ground rendering of the entire world.
Recent Posts
Never-graduating Checkout: Reflections on my batch at RC
Posted on:February 12, 2024 at 12:00 AMIn which I reflect on RC and what it means to learn and grow as a programmer.
Modeling Verisimilitudinous Worlds: Part 1 - Tectonic Plates
Posted on:February 5, 2024 at 12:00 AMIn which we begin to model the tectonic plates of our world, and grow them into continents and oceans.
Spherical Spatial Hashing + Weblog
Posted on:January 16, 2024 at 12:00 AMOnly 3 weeks left in RC, so instead of working on my other projects, I created a new one! welcome to World Synth!
Holiday Break + Terrain Synth Updates
Posted on:January 3, 2024 at 12:00 AMDuring the break here I've been focusing mainly on graphics related stuff. You can see the biggest differences has been the appearence of shadows and some glowy 'skybox' to the scene. I've also poked around with the vertex coloring height-based lerping.